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Home automation interface for management of CMV systems

Home automation interface for management of CMV systems

The new home automation interface for distributed management of Controlled Mechanical Ventilation (CMV) system is the effective solution proposed by Ave to ensure a perfect aeration of domestic environments and tertiary ones. This unit is able to ensure at the same time high standards in terms of efficiency, energy saving and comfort.

The CMV interface device (art. 441ABRV1) is able to control the CMV engines with standard inputs 1-10V and, if required, 1 or more sensors. It can manage up to a max of 6 sensors (connected to the device code 44ABTA with consecutive addresses to the interface one) of air quality, relative humidity, CO2 for the air quality control. The home automation Bus allows the switching on and off of the ventilation system, the execution of forced ventilation cycle at the maximum speed and the regulation of the three allowed engine speeds: “Maintening ventilation” or “Comfort”, in the presence of the user or “air recirculation” in case of any sensor detect a low air quality in the environment.

When the interface is “CMV Off” mode, with the optional remote control the user is able to switch on the system sending the message “ON Ventilation” or, when the CMV interface is already in the “CMV On” mode, recall the “Ventilation boost” modality activating in this way the maximum speed for a period of time defined by the configured function (from 30 seconds to 60 minutes), or, finally, deactivate the CMV system (No ventilation) sending a message ”Ventilation Off”.

Depending on the presence or absence of the user, the system assume two different modalities:

  • Presence of the user, when an integrated “alarm” device (as 44ABTA) sends a message. When there are any alarm sent by the sensors, the system enter in the “Comfort ventilation”mode.
  • Absence of the user, when an ” Alarm end” message has been sent or in absence of switching OFF operation, the system enters into the “Maintaining Ventilation” mode.

As anticipated, up to six environmental sensors can be bound to the receiver, where their dry-contact outputs have to be connected to the CMV interface. When one or more sensors act, the “Air recirculation” mode starts; when all the sensors deactivate their alarm status, the system comes back to the “Maintaining Ventilation” mode. All the interfaces (for presence or for sensors) bound to the receiver, are continuously monitored in time slots of 4 minutes. If one of the devices is disconnected from the home automation bus, the analog output of the CMV interface goes to the value of “User Absence”, activating the “Ventilation Comfort” mode.

Ave with the innovative CMV interface integrated to DOMINAPlus home automation system has succeeded in developing a device that excels in terms of performance, energy efficiency and leading the ventilation towards smart integration with home automation systems.


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