Living Room
Soggiorno domotico
Cucina domotica
Bagno domotico
Camera domotica
Children’s bedroom
Cameretta bambini domotica
External Areas
Esterno domotico

Today the wide range of Ave’s hotel automation proposals will have a key showcase. The launch of the new website coincides with the company's desire to emphasize innovation integrated into its hotel automation systems that allows to increase comfort, safety, but also to optimize costs...

Through the exhibition "different Suites X different people", conceived by the inventiveness of the famous architect Simone Micheli during Fuori Salone del Mobile 2016, from April 12 to 17, Milan will turn into a real opportunity to live and experiment the hotel rooms of the...

Through the advanced Ave’s home automation system you can increase the comfort in the living room. Usually intended for recreation and relaxation, this environment is often used for different occasions: a party with friends, a dinner with guests, an evening with family, a nice rest...

The extreme flexibility of the Ave DOMINAplus home automation system is able to increase the comfort and safety in any room, including the kitchen. In addition to the "standard" functions related to lighting control, rolling shutters, ventilation or temperature control, which can be integrated in...

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