Living Room
Soggiorno domotico
Cucina domotica
Bagno domotico
Camera domotica
Children’s bedroom
Cameretta bambini domotica
External Areas
Esterno domotico

Obtained by combining their productive excellence, the advanced sound diffusion system born from thecollaboration between AVE and TUTONDO exhibits a lots of control functions, design and technologies for every needs. Through the interfacing between AVE DOMINAplus home automation and TUTONDO Mondo T sound system (MTA816...

La domotica AVE, abbinata a supervisori touch screen e controlli a sfioro, diventa l’emblema hi-tech di un’elegante villa in stile moderno a Cupello, in provincia di Chieti. Un’abitazione moderna, con arredi contemporanei, in cui pulsa un cuore hi-tech. Nascosti dietro a raffinati display touch screen,...

The living becomes hi-tech with AVE, that takes part of the prestigious project signed by the Sangalli Architecture Studio: an elegant villa on Lake Garda that sees AVE home automation as the protagonist of a different way of making architecture: up-to-date, minimalist and technological....

Villa Rinaldi winery has made its spaces even more valuable integrating AVE home automation. Thanks to DOMINA plus, each room can be supervised and managed autonomously, recreating the best conditions for wines. An assumption that becomes a necessity especially as regards the influence that light...

Home automation for AVE means technology, design and exaltation of lifestyles. With these assumptions it is born TEKLA 44, the newest AVE wiring accessories series. TEKLA 44 has been designed to reduce costs without sacrificing quality. Thanks to the exclusive softness of its dark tone,...

AVE DOMINA plus is the home automation proposal that suits every need. DOMINA plus provides a large number of functions to manage any residential or service environment, as in the case of Columbus Optical Center in Maserà di Padova....

With AVE Young Touch you enter a new smart dimension, with touch switches and controls configured for your needs and habits.Touch technology becomes a daily reality. The moulded, interpreted by AVE, comes in a range of innovative finishes, with 15 colour variants. ...

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