Living Room
Soggiorno domotico
Cucina domotica
Bagno domotico
Camera domotica
Children’s bedroom
Cameretta bambini domotica
External Areas
Esterno domotico


DOMINA plus, many functions for every home need

DOMINA plus adapts to your lifestyle with many solutions designed for you and your home. AVE home automation system is equipped with all the functions required by a modern home: comfort, safety, security, energy saving and various possibilities of supervision and control. If necessary, moreover, the basic functions can be implemented to meet your needs with endless possibilities of customization, automation and integration

funzioni luci


Manual or automatic management of lights and brightness regulation

funzioni termoregolazioni


Multi-zone thermal management with energy saving functionality

funzioni scenari domotica


Management of controls sequences to create an environment for each situation

funzioni diffusione sonora

Sound diffusion

Control and supervision of the multi-zone system TUTONDO and Vivaldi

funzioni luci


Manual or automatic management of lights and brightness regulation

funzioni termoregolazioni


Multi-zone thermal management with energy saving functionality

funzioni scenari domotica


Management of controls sequences to create an environment for each situation

funzioni diffusione sonora

Sound diffusion

Control and supervision of the multi-zone system TUTONDO and Vivaldi

funzioni luci


Manual or automatic management of lights and brightness regulation

funzioni scenari domotica


Management of controls sequences to create an environment for each situation

funzioni termoregolazioni


Multi-zone thermal management with energy saving functionality

funzioni diffusione sonora

Sound diffusion

Control and supervision of the multi-zone system TUTONDO and Vivaldi

funzioni ventilazione


Management of fans and intelligent timing of air exchange via VMC

funzioni allarmi tecnici

Technical alarms

Control and management of water leaks, gas leaks and other technical alarms

funzioni antintrusione


Control and supervision of AVE anti-intrusion system with graphic visualization

funzioni videocontrollo

Video control

Video control of IP-cam via Touch Screen and video monitoring via email and MMS

funzioni ventilazione


Management of fans and intelligent timing of air exchange via VMC

funzioni allarmi tecnici

Technical alarms

Control and management of water leaks, gas leaks and other technical alarms

funzioni antintrusione


Control and supervision of AVE anti-intrusion system with graphic visualization

funzioni videocontrollo

Video control

Video control of IP-cam via Touch Screen and video monitoring via email and MMS

funzioni ventilazione


Management of fans and intelligent timing of air exchange via VMC

funzioni antintrusione


Control and supervision of AVE anti-intrusion system with graphic visualization

funzioni allarmi tecnici

Technical alarms

Control and management of water leaks, gas leaks and other technical alarms

funzioni videocontrollo

Video control

Video control of IP-cam via Touch Screen and video monitoring via email and MMS

funzioni supervisione da touch screen

Touch Screen supervision

Management of home automation functions through touch screen supervisors

funzione controllo carichi

Loads control

Control based on the effective consumption and the related priorities

funzioni app ave cloud

AVE cloud app

Remote management of main functions through smartphones, tablets and pc

funzioni automazioni


Control of the main electrical motorized systems, as rolling shutters and gates

funzioni supervisione da touch screen

Touch Screen supervision

Management of home automation functions through touch screen supervisors

funzione controllo carichi

Loads control

Control based on the effective consumption and the related priorities

funzioni app ave cloud

AVE cloud app

Remote management of main functions through smartphones, tablets and pc

funzioni automazioni


Control of the main electrical motorized systems, as rolling shutters and gates

funzioni supervisione da touch screen

Touch Screen supervision

Management of home automation functions through touch screen supervisors

funzioni app ave cloud

AVE cloud app

Remote management of main functions through smartphones, tablets and pc

funzione controllo carichi

Loads control

Control based on the effective consumption and the related priorities

funzioni automazioni


Control of the main electrical motorized systems, as rolling shutters and gates

funzioni integrazioni collegamenti

Integration and connections

AVE home automation system dialogues with devices of other manufacturers

funzioni risparmio energetico

Energy saving

Implementation of technologies to reduce and monitor consumptions

funzioni integrazioni collegamenti

Integration and connections

AVE home automation system dialogues with devices of other manufacturers

funzioni risparmio energetico

Energy saving

Implementation of technologies to reduce and monitor consumptions

funzioni integrazioni collegamenti

Integration and connections

AVE home automation system dialogues with devices of other manufacturers

funzioni risparmio energetico

Energy saving

Implementation of technologies to reduce and monitor consumptions


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